Since I am not much of a baker, I am always on the lookout for easy “sweet treats” to serve at tailgates or parties that don’t take too much time.  Pinterest is always a great place to start and I found a recipe called Chocolate Coconut Chex Mix that looked really pretty and even better, …

Fall is probably my favorite season!  The anticipation of seeing the leaves on the trees transform into a collage of color, watching my favorite football team amongst a sea of orange fans, and of course, there is the ultimate image of Fall…the Pumpkin! When I was growing up, the pumpkin meant that “The Great Pumpkin, …

Strawberries…a sweet and juicy burst of delight!  Recently, Jeff brought home way too many for us to eat from one of his sweet employees at the plant.  They are always sending him home with fresh farm eggs, strawberries, blackberries (my favorite), but sometimes there is just too much for the two of us and I …